Discover the finalist photos !

"My climate actions" photo contest


The "My climate actions" photo contest was organized by the ULiège Green Office and its partners in 7 other higher education establishments: HEL, HELHa, HEH, HE Condorcet, UMons, HEFF and ESA St Luc Liège.

It took place in two phases.

  1. Firstly, the photo submission phase, in which an invitation to participate was extended to all students and staff of the participating establishments.
  2. The Jury then select 30 photos for the next stage: the public vote. Each student and staff member could vote for their favorite photo via an online form.

Key figures :

  • 8 participating schools
  • 80 photos entered in the competition
  • 30 photos selected by the Jury
  • 1198 public votes
  • 10 prizes awarded

The aim of this competition is to illustrate the wide variety of possible commitments to the climate. The aim of the competition is to raise awareness of the many ways in which people can take action for the climate at several stages:

  1. During the photo submission phase, each photographer think about a gesture for the climate that he or she wished to highlight through his or her photo and testimonial.
  2. During the public voting phase, students and staff from the 8 establishments browsed the 30 inspiring examples of action to choose their favorite photo.
  3. Finally, these 30 finalist photos will be displayed in a traveling exhibition on various campuses, as well as online, to further extend the number of people reached

Congratulations to the winners!

Jury Prize

Aurélien Lemmens

1st Public Prize

Diane Urbain

2nd Public Prize

Loic Anciaux

3rd public prize

Lucien Ozer

Favourite prize ULiège

Joy Ledeck

Favourite prize HEH


Favourite prize HEL

Joel Pereira

Favourite prize HELHa

Fabien Buisseret

Favourite prize UMons

Ilyane Braij

Favourite prize HE Condorcet

Meganne Moulin

Other photos selected by the Jury

Adèle Lestarquis

Alexandre Mabille

Andréas Voitout

Anne-Catherine Witsel

Aurore Berhin

Carine Borguet

Célia Lemaire

Emilie Bertrand

ESN ULiège

Faustine Penet

Guillaume Giansante

Hélène Vancoppenolle

Isabelle Noirot

Léonie Pfister

Lorena Bellini et Maëva Splingard

Manon Bouvier

Miana Dubois

Samuel Hautman

Sara Wantiez

Valentin Decamp

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